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Articles & Papers

Business, Interrupted by: Covid-19
PDF: Esber and Tat_27_March_2020
Elizabeth Esber and Jessica Tat2020-03-27
Defining the limits of Restitution: Mann v Paterson Constructions
PDF: White_24_March_2020
Hamish White2020-03-24
Litigants in person - navigating the judicial minefield
PDF: Fermanis_20_March_2020
Luke Fermanis2020-03-20
Getting back in the game. Can you discontinue a discontinuance in Family Law proceedings
PDF: Scarlett_18_March_2020
Stephen Scarlett2020-03-18
COVID-19 and income loss
PDF: Esber and Tat 2020-03-11
Elizabeth Esber and Jessica Tat2020-03-11
This event has been cancelled -COVID-19 is in town
PDF: Esber and Tat 2020-03-03
Elizabeth Esber and Jessica Tat2020-03-03
Removing a Trustee or Executor in a Testamentary Setting
PDF: Francis_1_March_2020
Keith Francis2020-03-01
COVID-19 & Travel Insurance
PDF: Esber and Tat 2020-02-25
Elizabeth Esber and Jessica Tat2020-02-25
A Lawyer's Best Friend? Claims under the Companion Animals Act 1988
PDF: Holmes_2018_03_21
Scott Holmes2018-03-21
Fraud and Insurance
PDF: Cavanagh_2018_03_19
Richard Cavanagh SC2018-03-19
Costs in Family Law
PDF: Scarlett_2018_03-14
Stephen Scarlett2018-03-14
Recent Developments in Family Law
PDF: Reeves_March_2018
Luke Reeves2018-03-14
Family Law Update
PDF: Lawrence_March_2018
Christopher Lawrence2018-03-02
Loss and Damage in Misleading and Deceptive Conduct Cases
PDF: Turner_2017_03_28
David Turner2017-03-28
The Role of Trustees in Bankruptcy and Their Removal
PDF: Eardley_2017_03_28
David Eardley2017-03-28
Section 5D of Civil Liability Act 2002 (NSW): Causation
PDF: Bowen_2017_03_22
Tony Bowen2017-03-22
How to Run a Case Involving Multiple Jurisdictions
PDF: Maurice_2017_03_13
Richard Maurice2017-03-13
Family Provision Claims Under the Succession Act 2006 (NSW)
Christopher Lawrence2017-02-01
Family Provision Claims in New South Wales
PDF: Lawrence_25_February_2016
Christopher Lawrence2016-02-25
Legal Incapacity
PDF: Blank_1_May_2015
Allan Blank2015-05-01
Recent Changes to the Home Building Act
PDF: Goldstein_25_Mar_2016
Steven Goldstein2015-03-25
Civil Liability Act Update
PDF: Dinka_25_March_2015
Olivia Dinka2015-03-25
Panic Button: Preparing Urgent Family Law Applications
PDF: Maurice_18_March_2015
Richard Maurice2015-03-18
Default in Family Law
PDF: Grew_9_March_2015
Joshua Grew2015-03-09
Family Provision Claims by Grandchildren
PDF: Lawrence_February_2015
Christopher Lawrence2015-02-01
McLennan v Insurance Australia Ltd [2014] NSWCA 300 (02 September 2014)
(Beazley P at [1]; Meagher JA at [1]; Ward JA at [1])

Richard Cavanagh, SC and Jak Callaway2014-09-02
Taxation of Estates and Executor's Responsibilities for Tax and Duty
PDF: Jarrett_14_August_2014
Declan Jarrett2014-08-14
Powers of Attorney New Forms and Capacity Issues
PDF: Lawrence_PoA_19_March_2014
Christopher Lawrence2014-03-19
Appointment of Enduring Guardians
PDF: Lawrence_Guardians_19_March_2014
Christopher Lawrence2014-03-19
Recent Developments in Family Law
PDF: Maurice_10_March_2014
Richard Maurice2014-03-10
Family Provision Claims under the Succession Act 2006 (NSW)
PDF: Lawrence_7_March_2014
Christopher Lawrence2014-03-07
Landlords' Liability
PDF: Holmes_12_June_2013
Scott Holmes2013-06-12
Family Provision Claims under the Succession Act 2006 (NSW)
PDF: Lawrence_20_March_2013
Christopher Lawrence2013-03-20
Migration Law - Some Common Issues
Paul Cutler2013-03-01
Obvious Risk and Dangerous Recreational Activity
Colin Purdy2012-11-14
Opinion Evidence (2012) 50(3) Law Society Journal 56
PDF: Lawrence_LSJ_April_2012
Christopher Lawrence2012-04-01
From the Top Down: Liability of Principals for Injuries on Worksites
Colin Purdy2012-03-27
Remedies on Termination of Employment
PDF: Lawrence_21_March_2012
Christopher Lawrence2012-03-21
An Examination of the Leading Cases in Relation to Implied Waiver of Legal Professional Privilege
PDF: Hodgson_24_March_2011
Thos Hodgson2011-03-24
Differential Advocacy Before Appellate Courts
PDF: Kirby_10_March_2011
The Hon. Michael Kirby2011-03-10
Using facilitators in criminal jury trials in New South Wales - undermining 'trial by jury' or the way forward?
PDF: Grew_January_2011
Joshua Grew2011-01-01
Additional Resolution Processes - Meeting the Needs of the Parties
PDF: Walsh_24_March_2010
Stephen Walsh QC2010-03-24
Expert Determinations - When May They Be Impugned?
PDF: Reuben_17_March_2010
Sam Reuben2010-03-17
Managing the Administration of Construction Contracts to Avoid the Abuse of Process and Ethics
PDF: Kostopoulos_10_March_2010
Andrew Kostopoulos2010-03-10
Full and Frank Disclosure - Whose Obligation?
PDF: Cook_10_March_2010
Peter Cook2010-03-10
An Overview of the Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act
PDF: Goldstein_10_March_2010
Steven Goldstein2010-03-10
Penalty Clauses in Agreements: Enforcement and Avoidance
Christopher Lawrence2009-03-18
Franchising and the Trade Practices Act 1974 (CTH)
PDF: Bedrossian_18_March_2009
Vahan Bedrossian2009-03-18
Proportionate Liability
PDF: Bowen_11_March_2009
Tony Bowen2009-03-11
Examination of the Standard of Care for Professionals under the Civil Liability Act
PDF: Eagle_11_March_2009
Michael Eagle2009-03-11
Interpretation of Contractual Indemnities
PDF: Stevens_11_March_2009
Mark Stevens2009-03-11
Relocation Since Equal Shared Parental Responsibility
PDF: Alexander_4_March_2009
David Alexander2009-03-04
Litigation: A Mediator's Observations Concerning the Resolution of Disputes
PDF: Berecry_4_March_2009
Grahame Berecry2009-03-04
Bankruptcy & Family Law Life After the 2005 Amendments
PDF: Cutler_4_March_2009
Paul Cutler2009-03-04
Informal Wills
PDF: Francis_28_February_2020
Keith Francis2020-02-28